Saturday, September 16, 2006

mini-blinds scare me.

Ok, people...i am the jam. seriously, two posts in the space of two're welcome.
this one goes out to all the friends, grandparents, distant cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. who never get their fill of pictures due to my slackness. I just needed to get some of this cuteness out there....the birthday hat photos are obviously of camp's birthday at cheeburger cheeburger, his sickest and saddest day ever, as i'm sure you can tell by the pictures. he had the most ridiculous temperature, and took turns throwing up on various family members, so that's the deal with his poopy face/red cheeks/stoner look...pitiful pumpkin.
the others are just random ones from around the house that i've been storing up for may now devour.

also, thought i should share one final story/public service announcement. here's a recent event that took place in our house....

Mommy is downstairs enjoying a harris teeter-bought fakey-fake starbucks frappucino in the bottle, when she hears a sickening thud from upstairs where the boys are having their daily "room time". she hears lots of thuds, but this one is different. it is followed by an eery silence. she runs upstairs to find jackson clutching his throat and sort of gasping for air... she calms him somewhat, and he tells her in his sobbing babble, "I...I,I,I,...MOMMY, i....oooooooooooouch, Mommy, hold me...i hurt my n,n,n,n,n,n,neck.....waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!". when he is finally able to talk, he tells her, "mommy, i was just jumping off my bed, and i hurt my neck". she says, "how did you do that, sweetpea?". he says, "well, i tied the cord to the mini-blinds around my neck and stood on my bed, and then jumped off". mother loses all color in her face. feels like negligent parent and criminal. "why is the blue sky did you do that?". "mommy, hello, i was trying to do a flip" (read: "are you an idiot?"). i believe the child thought that the cord around the neck was actually some sort of harness or safety precaution. it seemed absolutely logical to him, and he has the rope burn to show for it. social services is coming to get my child.


Blogger Rebecca said...

Oh My God, Cher. I am so glad he is okay. Yes, mini-blinds are terrifying, as is this story. I guess there are some angels in the boys' room.

I love the photos. The one of the boys standing together and looking out the door nearly brings me to tears. It wasn't at all long ago that my boys were that size, doing just that. Where-- and why? Why?-- does the time go?

5:28 AM


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