Well, it seems that many of you have enjoyed the newly founded lair lounge, so we shall keep it up. The overwhelming comments, however, have gone something like, "more photos, please", or "i'll take another photo or two, thank you very much", so ding dang, here you go. greedy people.
well, nothing much is too terribly new over the last 2 or 3 days, but jackson has definitely said some choice things in recent days that i will impart to you now. as his vocabulary expands
and he becomes more 3, the little nuggets he shares
with us are increasingly entertaining. we've begun to discuss saving money, as he has a piggy bank right beside his bed, and we dump our change into it every night

then, a few days ago, jackson had been playing with a little boy from the neighborhood (who shall remain nameless) who is 4, but speaks about as well as my newborn (his parents do the goo-goo, ga-ga baloney), and he came home talking like a baby. I told him, "i can't hear you when you talk baby talk", and he thought for a minute, then said, "no, mommy. that was spanish". crafty little bugger.
Your blog absolutely cracked us up. Jackson is a hoot!
4:25 PM
more more more more
9:33 AM
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