Monday, June 05, 2006

Party People!
yes, i am a slacker. go ahead and say it. my name is cher and i'm a delinquent blogger. it has been 6 weeks since my last post. don't hate me, 'cause i was just saving up some lovely photos and juicy pictures for you. here are some from this morning of me and the tiny dudes. as you can see, any picture with me in it i also took, so there's no fancy, professional photography here. that's what happens when you're a mom....there are no pictures of you because you take them all, hello. so i decided to remedy that on my own, hence the jammies and dark circles lovelies you see above. no more gripin', people.

sooooo, there's not too much to tell that you haven't already heard....stephen is still selling cars like a madman, and now dons a chocolate bar suit in the most recent commercials. he is now "mr. sweet deal", and sings "where the sweet deals aaaaaaaaaaaaaare" in a vaudeville style, all the while giving us the jazz hands with his four giant fingers. did i mention the yellow tights? yep. nice. the owner so enjoyed the last commercials that they're now adding to the sweet deal the newest face of the dealership is our own hershey's miniature, jackson. yes, they have made him a matching costume so he can appear in the next commercials, and have i mentioned yellow tights yet? now 2 pairs! (or is it "pair"...i never's like those fashionista snobs that say "a nice wool pant"...i just can't bring myself to it). jackson is very excited and will definitely give you a rousing rendition of the song if you so request.

stephen is still attending seminary, though he's only able to take 2 classes at a time due to his insane work schedule...he's desperately hoping for some sort of ministry job, and also one that will pay the bills in this joint, but we trust God, so we'll go wherever we're supposed to be, even if the money is poop. there are a few jobs on the horizon in nyc...a couple of church plants...namely the gallery church, which is partnered with our church, the summit, in durham. we would love to head back there, but are equally terrified at the prospect of raising the dudes there. ahhh, God is funny sometimes....just when we were getting comfortable. i guess we're learning that our ultimate comfort is truly not the end goal or purpose of our lives. we're here to serve! dang, it's hard to remember that sometimes!

alrighty, i'm sure there's more, but i must run and chase small people.
but wait, here are some choice jackson phrases from the last few weeks:
* " but mommy, i can't go upstairs by myself! it's making me nervous!"
* "thanks, pal!" (to campbell)
* "hey, big guy!" (to 6 year old boy in the mall)
*"mommy, that lady isn't near as pretty as you!" (to me, LOUDLY, in front of another lady in line at marshall's)
and finally.....
* "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today,....and one nation under god, indivisible...."
(as we were practicing his Bible verses)

there you go!


Blogger Ali O said...

i love it. i love it all.

8:47 PM

Blogger JKWestling said...

Hey! Chris volunteers to facilitate said DVD! Send us vhs of all the commercials and we will convert to streaming video for your viewing pleasure. We miss you peeps!

6:25 PM


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