Friday, March 24, 2006

And miles to go before i sleep, and miles to go before i sleep

holy moly, i just figured out how to give my post a title....what you do is go up to this cute little box that says, "title", and you fill it in...voila, mystery solved. so, ok, here's the story....we moved! it took us many days and nights, but we are here and darnit, we own this joint! it's strange, but i actually care about the varnish on the kitchen cabinets and whether or not the dust on top of the bookshelf is 4 inches deep. this is a novel concept for us, o renters for life.
very exciting.

it took us several days and nights to get all our junk, i mean crap, i mean valuable belongings over here and sorted, but we're getting there. my dear, sweet girlfriend, kristin left her son, ty, with a sitter the other night, and came over and helped us knock out most of the boxes (kristin, your participation and dedication are both duely noted and well shall be compensated), so we're doing well on that front, but as for the decor, ahem, we have some issues. let's see....the house was built in 1987, and i believe they must have decorated it that year, because there is floral, country wallpaper in this house that you cannot fathom. i think i'll put a picture of it on our next post. when i say, "country", i'm not just throwing the word around. i'm talking a tiny, busy pattern composed of baby pink and country blue (you know that cornflower blue, williamsburg blue, what have you) squiggles, lines, hearts, and roses. yeah.
then, to add a little character and architectural interest we have the shiny, gold chandelier, which is also echoed in the matching towel racks and toilet paper holders in the bathrooms. nice.

seriously, i'm not complaining, just editorializing for your reading pleasure. the majority of the house is actually pretty plain and basic, and waiting for us to come in and throw some red paint on the walls....actually, the real estate agent told us to not use any colors that were "garish or whorish", specifically "blood clot red" if we ever wanted to sell the house, so we may have to rethink some of our choices...

ok, must run, but i have some good jackson stories for later...a mommy of two only has so much time to sit and write.....the photos above come from direct requests for more pix of campbell, so there you have it....the older gentleman in one of them is the boys' great-grandfather, whom jackson calls his "greatest grandfather", leonard hart....sweetest man in the whole world, and crawling around on all fours with the little dudes even though he's 87 years old...that is stephen's grandfather, not mine....the outdoor pix are of us on a recent trip to texas (we drove the 21 hours each way....did i say "suicide mission"?), and the first one is of the campbellator in his moving box....that's how we got him over here.


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