Thursday, April 20, 2006

hallelujah, jesus has risen and jackson is 4!!

SOoooooooo, Jesus rose and jackson was born on the same day! hallelujah! between thursday and sunday, we had 4 shindigs to celebrate to various births/risings from the was lovely, yet a little wild at times. we're talking 4 batches of cupcakes, 13 easter egg hunts, 2 rounds of dying eggs, 3 church services complete with jam-nasty-jesus-has-risen-gospel music by the summit church choir, 3 pancake suppers (all the kid wanted), 1 shrimp dinner (when we drive past kemp's, he yells, "shrimp. I like it!"), 1 "big boy suit" complete with lavender dress shirt and tie, 1 tee-tiny precious seersucker suit for the tiny dude, 1 dress that mom realized was see-through AND needed alterations the day before easter ( i bought it when i was pregnant...stupid), and 1 gloriously happy little family unit that was so proud to celebrate one more year in the life of a dear, sweet, precious boy whom we love more than life. i'll write more later. am chasing 2 tiny people.


Blogger JKWestling said...

Hey!!!! You're family is mighty beautiful you two! I'm so glad to see a picture of Campbell I could spit! Congratz on the new nest and (when you get a free second - HA) give us a hollar over at the Westling Family Blog. Peace, Love and Later!


8:11 PM

Blogger theladyhamlet said...

Oh, my GAWD!!!! I can't believe how big the kids have gotten! You look fabulous, Mama; hubby too, and the boys are totally handsome. Wow. I love you!

9:00 PM


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