Wednesday, July 05, 2006

I try so hard...i really do.

I truly do try to keep you all well-stocked with goodies and tidbits to nibble on , but dangit, these people keep me busy! ok, here are some new pix of the tiny ones, with some of stephen and i for good measure, though really the tots are the main attraction from what i can gather. it's all peachy. i understand. not offended. really.

sooooo...the deal is...the wee tots are not so wee anymore. jackson is practically 30, and will tell you as much. yesterday in the car, stephen had to do a u-turn because we missed our turn, and jax said, "ooooh, daddy, what you just did was extremely unhappy." I didn't even know he knew the word "extremely", but i guess we can now add it to the long list of snotty, precocious, yet adorable words he has used on us....and i do mean "used"...he knows it's cute, and he knows what works. little rugrat.

then at the playground, some "big kid" (maybe 5 or 6) was in cal's face, yelling and screaming, and jackson went right over to him, and said, " excuse me, could you please not yell so loud in my little brother's face? he's a little guy and it makes him nervous, and it's my job to look after him. i'm jackson, what's your name?". He was so earnest and so genuinely concerned about his bro that it brought mommy, oh weepy waterfall, to tears. it doesn't take much for me anymore. just the little things...i love how they love each other.

ok, let's see....the campbellator will now kiss me when i ask, though it's a little sloppy, and somewhat like one of those prepubescent beginners' kisses....mouth wide open, poorly aimed, and wet with saliva....nothing could be sweeter...he also can play dumb ol' mom like a fiddle, and gives me the coy, proud, "ain't i cute" look after each kiss. i want to marry him. wait, i'm already hitched.

then, on the daddy front....stephen is unemployed!!!! solid. it's something that's been a long time coming, so it's a relief, though also superbly terrifying at the same time. the dealership was getting a little much for him (70 hour weeks, psychotic, evil bosses, etc.) and now he's looking into going back to managing restaurants...he's so good at that, and it would let him focus more on customer service, his forte, instead of being required to get as much money as possible from good always bothered's just the nature of the car business, and it's definitely not for him. he will continue to do the commercials, so all you mr. sweet deal fans out there, never you fear!

not much new with me..same ol' stuff...i love my husband, kiss all over my babies, sell fantabulous vintage pieces on ebay, and work at origins a little bit each week...still singin' at church whenever they'll pass me the microphone, and lovin' it. check out the summit church at . you can download some of jd's sermons, and they are off the chain! seriously, the man has a gift, and we are lucky to have him.

that's it, people...i'll try to get back to this before the month is up, but no promises.
a mommy's work is never done (and i love it!).


Blogger Bonnie G. said...

I just wanted to say hello and let you know that I'll be checking out your blog! (Does that make me a stalker?? I hope not...) It was awesome singing with you both this past Sunday - hope I'll get to again in the future!
<>< Bonnie B.

8:51 PM


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