Thursday, September 14, 2006

Your (very-not-so) daily Lair update!

Ok, people... I see that it has been 6 weeks since my last post...again, i do what i can, which is clearly not much...hello!
You've all been so sweet to check out our little fam and leave your glowing feedback...i try to keep my public happy.

well, alas, september is upon us, and school is back in session, thank you, jesus! I can't believe i'm already saying that (jax is only 4), but it's just good news for everyone when jax gets out of the house/away from mommy/running around like a madman with 7 others madmen/women for a few hours each day....actually, he only goes 3 days a week, and only for half a day, but boy, it helps! it's the only time i'm actually alone with campbell, which is an odd phenomenon because jax and i had alone time every day when he was a wee tot. so, cal and i are getting to know each other, and i have to tell you, he's quite nice. we're really hitting it off. think i will pursue further relationship.

both dudes are wonderfully spectacular...jackson says all manner of ridiculous things each day that keep us rolling, and camp is getting sassy and super-funny himself. this age (15 mos.) is so much more fun than when he was younger because we have actual interaction wherein i say something, and he actually responds, rather than lying there blob-like. he is his father. it is scary how much they are twins and alike is their mechanisms and facial expressions. campbell will "lair" the funk out of you, which i may have previously explained is to look at, or rather through you, in a manner that reads total disdain or "i am extremely nonplussed. you have no effect on me". daddy has perfected this, and it seems it is either in the blood, or has already been learned by our tiniest...jackson doesn't do it. let's see...some recents jackson specials...

Jax: "Dear God, thank you so much for our sweet cat..."
Mommy: "Jax, we don't have a cat."
J: "Oh, yeah...dear God, thank you for letting us go on a special trip to the mountains..."
M:"But, Jax, we didn't go to the mountains"
J: "Right. Dear God, thank you for letting me ride on a surfboard with Luke..."
M: "Now, Jax, you know you didn't do that."
J: (exasperated) "Mommy, let's just say the prayer."

yeah, and his funniest new joke it to call me "campbell" and snicker like there's never been a funnier joke. also, the other day, i went in to the boys' room where they were having room-time alone, and jackson had changed cal's clothes...i guess he didn't like his outfit. i have no idea how he managed that, because many adults have a hard time wrangling a little squirmer....but apparently camp cooperated. anyway....

stephen passed the real estate exam! (the first of two) One more, and he can start full time at the agency, though it may be a little while before he actually starts to sell...right now, he's splitting his days between waiting tables (to pay the bills) and pulling short, half-days at the agency on an hourly-rate basis doing office work and getting familiar with the place and all that comes along with it. soooo, we never see him, but soon and very soon, he won't have to do the table-waiting thing, and we'll be golden.

so, that's the story...i'll send more pix and kisses to all!
(Oh, in the pictures are my mom (G-ma), her friend, Ron, and my brother, Sid, and his daughter, Katie....have a gander!)


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