Friday, March 28, 2008

the wee one...

...has stolen my heart (and all my free time). i speak, of course, of the 20-23 minutes a day i had to myself before the advent of our third boy-child. no worries, though...i now get to gaze at the little one and act like a complete fool while "coo"-ing and "goo" ing at him. he has actually begun to respond to me, and it is ever-so-precious. you wish you could decipher infant-speak.

the big ones do love him dearly, and if i can just keep those walking cesspools of cold and flu away from his hands and face until about may, we should be set. then all heckfire will break loose, and we can just all cough and sneeze and snot all over each other.

And in other tiny fool news:
*These days, when the little one cries, campbell will sing to him "Sawyer....Take is easy" (read: "EE-zay-ay") to the tune of that old Foghat song ("Slow ride..."). Also, if he feels i am wound a bit too tightly, he sings "Mommy, take it easy". Really, the song is all-encompassing, an anthem for generations to come.

*campbell, the "precocious" one (that's the nice, Christian term), somehow made all his Easter candy disappear without actually eating it. i did, however, find all the wrappers on his floor, and a sort of fudgey fondue schmear from ear to eyelid. "Noooo, mommy. i did NOT eat that 'chockwit'."

*mysteriously, the same person who ate all camp's candy drew giant smiley faces on his wall in permanent, black Sharpie ink. we cannot figure out who is behind all these shenanigans.

*Jackson lost his first tooth, left it for the tooth fairy, and got paid. He then decided he didn't have much use for the dinero, and tried to buy back his tooth. The tooth fairy is not budging.


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