Monday, August 13, 2007

The Jacksonator

now, this is how i like 'em!
this is my big, sweet boy asleep in the car in roughly 105 degree heat on the way back from the beach in our fly ride, the '87 camry wagon, which has no ac.
he was especially obedient during this time.
i think i shall take a new approach to the blogging, since it has become painfully apparent to us all that i am not proficient at daily, or even weekly writing....i think i was biting off more than i could chew, and trying to encapsulate a month's worth of stories/anecdotes into each post, and clearly this was daunting for me, so i found myself avoiding the lairlounge. little nugget at a time is what i goes it:
today we popped in "alice in wonderland", a gifty from miss becca, jackson's fave grown-up.....the following conversation ensued:
Jax - "Mommy, what is a 'wonderland'?"
Me- "Well, Jax, that's a place that is so wonderful that it's hard to put it into words. It's a fantasy land where everything is perfect." (or something like that)
Jax- " You mean you don't wash dishes? Ever?"
Me- (trying to contain my smirk....was this a reflection on me?) "I guess that's about right, buddy."
Jax - "You mean you just get to let them pile up higher and higher?".
Me - "Yep, buddy. That's basically it."


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