"Take down that Africa fire!"

also, after many requests for some jackson anecdotes, here is a sampling of a few of his evening prayers of late:
* "Dear Jesus, please help all the boys and girls with no mommies and daddies, and the poor people, and the sick people, and God, please...PLEASE. Take down that Africa fire!" (here, we are referring to the fires in California, which I explained to Jax was the furthest state from us because he was worried they might swoop into North Carolina....somehow this "furthest state" thing translated in his mind to the continent of Africa.)
*"God, now, I'm not trying to tell you what to do...I'm just saying, DON'T PLAY IN THE STREET, because then you would get squished by a car and you would die, and that would be sad, but I would still worship you, but just be careful, ok?"
and finally, something he told me after school this week:
"Mommy, today it was so hot on the playground, and I was running so hard, and when we came inside, all I wanted was apple juice. I wanted it so badly, I could taste it in my heart!"
So, there you have it. I will attempt to post again soon. I make no promises. I am 7 1/2 months pregnant, large and in charge, and totally drowsy all the time, so until we meet again....

FINALLY!!! I love your boys! I plan to marry both of them, yes I am instituting multiple husbands in my life plan. I will probably also marry "Unnamed Lair Child". Kisses!
11:26 AM
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