Monday, February 27, 2006

Well, it seems that many of you have enjoyed the newly founded lair lounge, so we shall keep it up. The overwhelming comments, however, have gone something like, "more photos, please", or "i'll take another photo or two, thank you very much", so ding dang, here you go. greedy people.

well, nothing much is too terribly new over the last 2 or 3 days, but jackson has definitely said some choice things in recent days that i will impart to you now. as his vocabulary expands
and he becomes more 3, the little nuggets he shares
with us are increasingly entertaining. we've begun to discuss saving money, as he has a piggy bank right beside his bed, and we dump our change into it every night . finally he asked me, "why are we saving our money?" and i said, "when your piggy bank is full, we'll take all your money to the bank". that appeased him for a few days, but then he asked me, "why are we taking it to the bank?", to which i replied, "so you can go to college". he then leaped (leapt?) for joy, and gave me a huge hug, and said, "thank you, mommy, for letting me go to college with g-ma and ron" (my mom and her friend). I guess he thinks "college" is a luxurious travel destination, and that ron and g-ma will be the providers of transportation. my mom and ron have taken him on lots of little day trips to the beach and other random places, so i guess he associates all distant outings with the two of them. for the last few days, he's been telling anyone who'll listen about his collegiate future.

then, a few days ago, jackson had been playing with a little boy from the neighborhood (who shall remain nameless) who is 4, but speaks about as well as my newborn (his parents do the goo-goo, ga-ga baloney), and he came home talking like a baby. I told him, "i can't hear you when you talk baby talk", and he thought for a minute, then said, "no, mommy. that was spanish". crafty little bugger.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Party people!!!
ok, i'm clearly a novice at this as you can see my the placement of the photos, but what the heck...people just wanna see pictures of the little dudes; they don't care about the format or the fact that mommy looks SCARY just after giving birth ( i had to include that one because jackson looks so pleased/shell-shocked about his new "baby brother"...he still calls him this...rarely "campbell")...

which leads me to...HELLO! we have a baby! some of you know this well, while others of you are long-lost buds from our cross country moves/travels whom have absolutely no clue what we're up to. so here goes...
(by the way, i write conversationally and never capitalize...too time-consuming...2 kids, remember?)

On June 17, 2006, we welcomed Campbell Andrew Lair to the lair. he weighed 9 lbs. & 5 oz. (*gulp*) and was 23 inches long. Despite mommy's extreme discomfort in the end of pregnancy, the delivery was a breeze (as breezy as that kinda junk can be). His name was quite a point of contention in our house as daddy told me that i could name him, then proceeded to smack down every name i came up with, but added, "but really, babe, it's up to you" (*smooches to you, baby...nothing but love*). without disclosing our first name options (in case some of you liked the ones i thought were unsavory), we knew the middle name would either be campbell or andrew. my great grandmother AND stephen's great grandmother had campbell as a last name, and stephen's bro's middle name is andrew (much love to michael)...also, if i were a boy, my mom was going to name me andrew. after 3 days in the hospital and no name (and each of us thinking the other would cave), we finally realize the only thing we agreed on was the middle name, so there we had it. we asked campbell if his name was "campbell", and i swear to you, he nodded his head. seriously.
Jackson is absolutely smitten with him. If we had a saddle, he'd ride him, as he does not quite understand the concept of "personal space". typically, i'll find him (lovingly) sticking his fingers in "baby brother's" nose or seeing how far back he can bend his arms. none of this,however, is done in malice...he'll usually say, "i think he likes it!", even if campbell is screaming.
Jackson is "three and three quarters" (he'll tell you this) and the tiny dude is 8 months old. they are truly a source of joy, though they have their moments...shoot, I have my moments. we are currently living in wake forest, north carolina, in seminary housing, as stephen is in school at south eastern baptist theological seminary, studying to either be a minister of music, or the most dang evangelical car salesman in the southeast region. either way, we're happy! however, our most exciting bit of news at the moment is...WE'RE BUYING A HOUSE!!! we close on march 9th, and are just tickled to death. we've never owned anything, and blew close to $75,000 rent in our time in new york, so we're ready to stop paying the man. good times...
I (cher) am freelancing at origins, which just means i can tell them "no" if i feel like it. i typically work about a day a week, while "work" entails playing in makeup and doing makeovers and facials. i sing as much as possible at church (the summit in the chain), and certainly hope to be doing some shows some time in the future...i'm not done yet! there are a select few auditions i can go to here in the triangle, and some are coming up in march...we'll see. apparently, american idol and nashville star weren't feeling me.
alrighty, that's the catch-up post, and the following ones won't be so lengthy, as you will be checking this site regularly, and will already know all our junk.
we think you're cool!

Lair lounge is running

Hear ye, Hear ye

The Lair Lounge is now running for all to see.
The Lord only knows how this'll turn out to be.
We can post pictures and stories and gags
And talk about those Fightin Texas Ags.
We hope you enjoy it and tell all your friends
And this is where this short poem ends.