Thursday, August 13, 2009

this is what kids look like...

 year later!
Ok, so you all hate me, and that's fine, but listen, people....i have, like, 16 kids! ok, 3 going on 4, but you get the point. alas, it has been almost a year since i have "blogged" and, i have been harassed by several of your who have remained faithful, and have been continually checking for updates. i do apologize. people, i am massively pregnant....AGAIN! there, now that's out of the way....
we are just plugging along here at the lair. jackson is 7 (SEVEN!!!), campbell has just turned 4, sawyer is 18 months, and the newest boy will be arriving in about 5 weeks. holiness. yes, we have a name (well, we're about 95% sure), and no, i'm not telling you. why, do you ask? well, inevitably, when you share your pending baby name selection, you end up with one of a few reactions. there is: "oh, i knew this boy named (fill in said name here....we'll use "Roscoe"), and i hated him! he was a total nose-picker/axe-murderer/idiot". there is also: "oh.....(awkward silence, awkward silence...), that's nice". and finally, we have, "Wow, you really do like the weird names, don't you". oh, i forgot to mention the final option, and that is having your name STOLEN, even by the most innocent and lovely of friends. i have one friend whom i shared my one, sacred girl name with, and a few months later, she called me, and said gravely, " i have a confession to make". i waiting anxiously, and then she said "i stole your girl name". now, mind you, she was not even pregnant, much less expecting a girl, but she wanted me to know that if given the opportunity, she would be hijacking my beloved name. well, no longer, name thieves! i shall take my names with me to the delivery room, and make my announcement there, so harumph!
i'd love to write more now, but alas, i am being beckoned by one who a needs a snack, another waking from a nap, and the repairman fixing my fridge simultaneously. i shall try to do better in the future with posting pix and stories from the fruit loops, but i make no promises! 4th boy is on the way, and will certainly claim what is remaining of my free time/girlfriend time/haircut time/blog time. love you all!