Sunday, June 08, 2008

Da beach

Can you friggin' believe I'm blogging two days in a row?!?! almost like a real blogger! well, here are some snaps of the Lairs during our recent beach trip to Emerald was GLORIOUS. I have to say I haven't had a more enjoyable vacation in quite some time, and really, have never had a vacation as an adult without my family, so alas, we are grownups!!!! We were able to score an amazing house right by the shore for dirt cheap because it was May, and thus, off-peak season. let me tell you, folks, this is the way to go. I typically secretly dread beach vacations, possibly stemming from an extreme dislike of sandy, sticky, sunscreeny goo all over me that i have to endure for the 19 hours that we stay at the beach, like some sort of sweltering prison. this trip, however, proved surprisingly delightful because a)it wasn't really hot yet, b)we were close enough to the beach that we could go for just 30 minutes at a time if we so desired, and thus, did not have to schlep 400 flotation devices, coolers, beach toys, and the like the 7 miles to the shore, and c)i did not have to put the thunder thighs on display right next to all the emaciated 16-year-olds on the beach because it was just too cold! LOVE IT! (did i mention that being on a show like baywatch, and running in slow motion in a bathing suit for all the world to see is my own personal fear factor?)
soooo.....we were there for 7 whole days, which was unbelievable in its own right....usually, we're away for 3 or 4 days, and by the time we unpack, we have to pack back up again, so this time, we were really able to relax. i didn't start the dreaded back-to-the-homestead countdown until about day 5, so that was nice. also, the house we stayed in was bigger than my own house, and was certainly cleaner, hello! and for the final perk, we didn't even have to clean the joint when we left because a cleaning service was included in the price of the rental. um, outstanding much?
anyway, it was delightful, so i've included a few pix for your viewing pleasure (if looking at toddlers and babies is pleasurable for you...i think i'm catering mostly to the girlfriends and family here). there sky view is a shot from our roof-top observation deck, and the bedrooms shown are ours and the "master suite" that our friends, the broughtons, stayed in (that's for you, ryan and kristin!). we gave them grief all week because our room was smaller, and didn't have a bathroom. you gotta harass your friends sometimes.
and finally, in big jackson news, my biggest, oldest boyfriend graduates from kindergarten on tuesday. sniff, sniff...tear....he is so grown. i wish i could explain to you some of the very insightful nonsense that he relays to us on a daily basis...some recent goodies are:
*"Mom, your car is really dirty, and i happen to know that if you don't clean it, it will get infected."
*Me (to all Lair boys): "Who wants a kiss??"
Jax: "Campbell does."
*"Mommy, did you know McDonald's is now serving capuccinos?" (he read it on his cheeseburger wrapper...."capuccinos"?!?! how can he read that?!?)
and now, on to the scramble (Campbell):
*"Mommy, why is all that salad dressing on your teeth?" (he saw me brushing my teeth)
*"Mommy, get your scissors and cut the hurt off." (he stubbed his toe)
*"Mom, we better HUSTLE!" (as we were getting out of our car and into the rain)
more later.....

Saturday, June 07, 2008

major trouble

and here, folks, we have some major trouble. the most miniature of the lair completely runs the show without even trying. as you can see here, he is a pretty happy little dude, and really doesn't give us much trouble at all, except for that whole gotta-feed-and-change-and-interact-with-him-all-the-time thing. we like him a great deal.

these photos are of my mom and dad ("G-Ma" and "Grandpa") with Sawyer at Jackson's final baseball game of the season. oddly, we didn't actually get any shots of Jax playing ball, but these of the baby came out pretty well (0= i'm such a sucker.