Friday, January 25, 2008

no baby no baby no baby

ok, people, it is officially my due date, january 25, and we have no baby...we have been getting about 17 calls an hour (you are all lovely and dear and i love you, but i am screening at this time) asking about baby in/out of utero status, so this is the official update. i can't write too much because i can't really feel my chubby sausage's taken me 11 minutes to write this paragraph so far...i love you all, and i appreciate your sweet wishes and prayers....we shall keep you posted!!!! and no, we don't have a name yet, so again, we will keep you posted. ( just trying to address all concerns/issues in one giant swoop).

*campbell did tell me today that he has a "baditude" (that's his version of "bad attitude"). son, you have no concept of baditude until giant alien/monkey/cat takes over the mommy motel, and then refuses to check out. i will teach you about baditude.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

and one month later...

party people! howdy to all of you, and once again, i will apologize for my month of delinquency in writing. i tried to told you.

last time i tried to write, the silly keyboard was broken, and now my fat hamhock hands are basically completely numb due to the gigantic alien-cat-monkey growing in my womb (jumps around like a monkey, stretched out fully like a cat, pokes little feet into my ribs and bladder somewhat like in the alien films), so this may be a brief post. we are still the proud parents of two, but we could make it three any day now....i'm technically due on the 25th, but holy mackeral, it would be nice to go early. by the by, i have NEVER gone early, not even a day, so this is completely idiotic wishful thinking. also very helpful to my current manic state is that my two girlfriends who were due on the same day as me both went ahead and had their babies two weeks early....selfishness, if you ask me. (0= (total joke, ladies). so, basically they are both traitors/deserters, and i am officially alone. it's all good. seriously, though, i'm not quite ready, and i probably never will be, so there is a slight sense of relief with each new more trip to goodwill to clear out the 1,054 sq. ft. for the little dude, one more swipe of the clorox wipes, one more item sold on ebay and shipped out, thank you, jesus!

soooo, that's about it...nameless baby boy lair coming any day. will keep you posted. love you all. that's my story.

OH! for all you "Elf" fans out there, campbell recently announced in barnes and noble:

"I'm a store. I'm in a store, and i'm tooting!" (stephen was so proud of this improvisational moment...he is truly daddy's son).

and finally , a jackson moment as we pulled into bojangles for breakfast:
"Bojangles! More than meets the eye." (sung loudly and with fervor) (for any who missed it, that's bojangles excitment meets transformers theme song....again, daddy was beaming after this one.)

OH! (again). the pix are from christmas, and the mysterious silver-haired fox is my mom,
"G-Ma" to all those under 6. campbell is giving her an eskimo kiss here, one of his more adorable new skills. the photo of stephen is upon his opening his big gift from me this year, a big baby taylor guitar. we agreed to not give each other gifts, which i suggested specifically so i could one-up him with the guitar i had already purchased. he usually blows me out of the water with some amazing surprise/trip/floral arrangement/jewelry combo, so i had to take drastic measures. he totally bought it, totally got played, and i totally WON!!!! ah, victory.

i'm sure there are some i'm forgetting. alas, they may be lost forever. shall try to remember. love and kisses to all!